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  • Writer's pictureMandy Bishop

CASPR: Automated Clinic Disinfection

We've upgraded our clinic safety protocols with CASPR Automated Disinfection to keep you safe at your next appointment.

In order to ensure the safest possible environment for our clients, Mandala Massage has installed a CASPR Compact disinfection unit to mitigate the risk of any airborne or surface pathogens in the clinic.

CASPR takes humidity from the air, and converts it to low levels of Hydrogen Peroxide. These H2O2 molecules then circulate through the clinic air eliminating any airborne and surface pathogens, reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and other viruses. CASPR has a 99.96% kill rate of airborne and surface pathogens like viruses and bacteria.

To learn more about CASPR, click here. If you would like to purchase a CASPR unit for your home or business, please contact us and we will put you in touch with the Saskatchewan distributor.

We are excited to have our CASPR unit in the clinic!

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